Everybody knows the importance of food, but not everybody shows concern to what they eat. Some even think  all you need is to take food on regular bases. That is why many do not mind what they take in not know that food intake is a segment, as far as how to achieve sound health is. Consuming an egg a day has become the habit of some people, and they never know or mind what the consequence could be. Most fancy the temporary taste or enjoyment they will derive and are not aware of the aftermath effects.
         Every man needs healthy food for healthy living.Healthy foods are foods that can give the body all necessary nutrients for it to maintain a healthy status and will not give rise to any ailment or disease . Every edible foods have their nutritious contribution to our health,but needs to be manipulated. As a popular saying,  'too much of everything is trouble,. The same is applicable to food. Too much of every food leads to a ailment, illness and disease. Therefore, in order to avoid frequent occurrence of ailment ,the food substances need to be taken in correct definite proportion and on time bases. This is called balanced diet.
          The major food substances are one, ENERGY GIVING FOODS,that is CARBOHYDRATES , two,  PROTEIN for smooth growth. Three, FAT AND OIL, to aid healthy body structure as well as energy giving. four,  VITAMINS, as body immunity and internal warriors to fight intruders.Thus,the food substances needs to be fully manipulated. Majority of terminal diseases like hypertension,stroke,diabetics,stress,hemorrhoids and others are either started with carelessness in food intake, or  aggravated by food intake.
The food is not just for the fun of it. It is to provide you great feeling and confidence, more energy,sound health living as well as enhancing stable mood. The best food to aid healthy living comes from natural sources rather than chunks that are more common out there. Important food substances to be  taken includes, carbohydrates,protein,fibre,calcium ,fat and vitamins.
The relevance of carbohydrate lies in that it is the major sources of energy in the body. However, to enjoy the best of the energy, most of it should come from the complex, unrefined carbs like vegetables, grain as well as fruits, rather than refined carbs like white bread, pastries sugars and starches which only enhance  raise in blood sugar, fluctuation in mood and energy and a build up of fat, especially around waistline.
Protein promotes smooth growth and development of the body, it also promotes cognitive function. Foods like meat,poultry ,fish eggs and dairy are all good sources of protein. These animal sources of protein contain all forms of amino acids. Sources of protein in plants include beans, grains,vegetables and nuts.
Another important food substance is fibre. It aids digestion with which reduces or lower risks of heart diseases, stroke and diabetes, as well as improving the skin and aids loss of weight. The good source of this substance includes grains, fruits,beans,nuts and vegetables.
Calcium, another good food substance,helps in building healthy bones,teeth and keep them strong. It also improves our mood.  Some of the sources for this food substance are dairy products, leafy green vegetables ,fish, oatmeal,some grains,tofu,cabbage,summer squash and so on. Without or under calcium nutrients can result in anxiety, depression, sleep difficulties and osteoporosis. Therefore,  healthy food aids healthy living.


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