Avoid These To Stay Healthy
Did you know you can stay healthy round year. Yes you can. A lot of illness come from what we eat and what we drink. When we deprive ourselves of some natural calling, our health is under threat. You can stay healthy if you avoid the following:
Avoid heavy drinking: Whether alcohol or any other drinks, too much of everything is not good. Heavy drink is attributed to alcohol. Small quantity of alcohol may not be a threat to health, but heavy drinking is a great threat to health. Reason healthy alcohol suppresses the immune system. It dehydrates the body to make the system weak and accessible to illness. Instead of alcoholic drinking, resort to drinking water or drink more water to reduce the negative effect of the alcoholism.
Processed foods could be a threat to your health. Any processed food is made from artificial or refined ingredients. It has gone out of natural component. Food made from sugar cane plant will perform better in the body than, the one from manufactured sugar. Foods processed from neutral source are easily absorbed by the body than the refined ones, which eventually precipitates toxens in our body.
“Smokers are liable to die young”. This is a good adage for all smokers. Smoking is unavoidably one of the greatest enemy of the health.The greater problem is that the youth this of today are abusing it at an higher level. Aside from the ill-health on the way, It is even rendering the mental inefficient. Majority of mad people on the street today especially in the developing country are as a result of high level of smoking. The effects of smoking is weakening of the immunity. Smokers cannot think on their own, because, the reasoning faulty has been deteriorated.
Stress and strain are another sets of threat to health. Always, listen to your body..Once you discovered you get more exhausted more than usual, you should know you are already stressing yourself beyond normal. Design a to-do list to manage your activities in order not to over stress yourself. You cannot satisfy everybody, try to control all your invitations.
Suger Consumption is also a threat to health sugar is so sweety and tasty,but at the same time, it is a toxin to the body. It disturbs your immunity when taken in refined form. Why would you not contend yourself with naturally existing ones in grapefruis, pawpaw and pineapple, which are easily absorbable to the body and does its best in the natural ways.
Redundancy is another factor that affects health. Try to exercise your body from time to time to keep fit. As you dull yourself down,so does all organ in your body.There are a lot of excercices that keep you at an alert, makes you sharp and keep you going. Indulge yourself in such excercises at least one hour daily.