The treatment of ulcer varies,  it depends on the cause. That is why before you you are treated you will be diagnosed to know one,  the cause of your ulcer ailment.  Two, the type of your ulcer ailment. If the doctor think the ailment is caused by H.  PYROLI,   he conducts the following tests to know weather the bacteria is the cause.

1)BLOOD TEST:  A sample of your you blood will be collected and taken to the laboratory to test weather H. PYROLI is present.

2) STOOL CULTURE : A sample of your stool can be collected and taken to the laboratory.  It will be left for about three days for.  H. PYROLI  to grow. 


After this tests are carried out, 

• When H.  PYROLI is cause of your ulcer,   the doctor may recommend anti bacterial drug (anti biotics) these may include AMOXIL,  FLAGYL AND TETRACYCLINE. 

• When it as a result of too much acid secretion in the stomach compartment,  the doctor may recommend ANTACID 

• When it is as a result of anti-inflammatory drugs,  the doctor may recommend another drug or put you on hold on the previous prescription.

• When it is as a result of alcohol,  the doctor may advice you to stop.

The aforementioned are the treatment of ulcer using the orthodox medicine. You can also take some natural steps in the treatment of ulcer.

1. GARLIC Research has shown that garlic is a pepper on the face of H. PYROLI . Therefore, taking garlic can cure,reduce or prevent ulcer.

2. HONEY  may at times cure or prevent you from ulcer. Since it is a constituent of many elements extracted by the insect. If the insect happened to consume POLYPHENOL, it will.

3. CONSUME FLAVONOIDS CONTAINING FOOD.  Naturally,  some food contains  FLAVONOIDS  which is an element which helps In eradicating ulcer. Foods like : 

• Soya bean • Legumes • Red grapes • Apples • Green teas etc eradicates ulcer.

4.    GET OUR HERBAL MEDICINE FOR ALCER , use and get rid of ULCER  within few weeks.



      In my previous post I discussed about the constituent of honey and I promised to bring the advantages of natural honey.  Here goes my promise:


NATURAL SWEETNER: Honey is the best risk free sweetner. It is by far better than all artificial sweeteners e. g sugar and aspetamine as this artificial sweeteners are of great damage to the body.

IT IS AN ANTIOXIDANT : Phenols and FLAVONOIDS are contained in honey. This gives honey the ability to act as an antioxidant. Antioxidants reduces the risk or prevents the cases of heart attack,  stroke and some type of cancer. Also,  FLAVONOIDS are the backbone of honey making it a good treatment for ULCER.

IT IMPROVES VISION: Due to the fact that honey contains vitamin A, it makes it serves as an eye improver

IT CAUSES WEIGHT LOSS: Studies has shown that consumption of Honey can improve the cholesterol level therefore, causing it to be of help as regarding weight loss is concerned.

IT USEFUL FOR WOUND: The adoption  of honey  the treatment of wound had emerged since the existence of the ancient Egypt and it is still in use today. It's ability to heal wounds comes from its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. This also makes it to have the ability to nourish the surrounding tissues of a wound. 

IT IS A SUPPRESSOR FOR COUGHS:  Honey is very useful for patients of two years and above as regarding cough. Research had even shown that honey is even very better than any other cough medication. 



  1. It  has a high risk of Botulism in children which can paralyse part of infants muscle. 
  2. At times it is not diabetic friendly due to the fact that is raises the blood sugar levels at times. 
  3. Some people are allergic to honey. The most common allergic distress that comes from honey are itching and voice change.  
  4. It worsens the situation of a bleeding patient.



          According to Wikipedia, honey is a thick , sweet  food substance that is produced by bees or other related insects. The Quran,  in Quran chapter 47 v 15 spoke about honey. Also,  In Quran chapter 16 v 68-69 Allah spoke about bee and honey. Likewise the Bible in proverb 16v 24.
                Honey is a very useful substance because of the elements and nutrients it contains. Before i discuss the importance and uses of honey, I would like to discuss it's constituents first.


         Honey contains over eighty useful nutrients which ranges from rare to surplus. This makes me gather them under three subheadings 
        Since home is much of calories,  it contains a lower amount of protein. The protein contained in honey is about 0.06g.


          Honey contains all vitamin B complex, vitamins A,  B,  C,  D,  E,and K. There also other trace elements embedded in honey. Elements like  calcium,  phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, sulphur, potassium,  chlorine, iodine etc. Are contained in honey. Each having very important usefulness as I will be discussing later.


         The major composition of honey is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates cover around 82% of honey. The carbohydrates present in honey can be broken down into one,  monosaccharides fructose which is about 38.2% two, monosaccharides  glucose  which is about 31% and lastly, di-saccharides which is approximately 9%. Di saccharides includes :sucrose, maltose, isomaltose, maltulose, turanose and kojibiose. It is also present in honey, some oligosaccharides. They are about 4.2%. They include, erlose, theanderose and panose, formed from incomplete breakdown of the higher saccharides present in nectar and honeydew.

Since your first wealth is your health, join me in the next post for advantages of honey



       This is a very useful proverb in the life of human. Before uncovering the reason why it is useful,  I would like us to know  the meaning of the two distinct word in the proverb in relation to health and fitness PREVENTION AND CURE.  Prevention is all  measures taken to avoid jumping into diseases or ailments. While Cure is all the measure taken to be healed from a disease or ailment. Comparing the two measures,  here are the breakdown of the results which is always in favour of prevention. 

•         Prevention is better than cure because when you prevent ailment,  you will be totally free from that ailment, but when you cure an ailment,  you will be partially out of the ailment. No matter how effective the cure is, it won't be the same as not being ill.

•          Prevention is better than cure because, when you prevent ailment you spend lesser as compared to when you cure an ailment. Taking for instance,  a person that is taking a balanced diet will not spend apart from the money he eats with but if you don't take a balanced diet and you eventually  need a food supplement,  you will have to pay extra. 

•           Prevention is better than cure because if you prevent an ailment you will not witness distress at all but if you choose to cure an ailment, no matter how,  you should have felt distress.

•            Prevention is better than cure because prevention of an ailment saves your time. This is due to the fact that you will not be wailed down at anytime. But when you choose to cure,  you will have be wailed down. Therefore,  your time will be wasted. Having wasted your time,  you have wasted many resources. 

        With the above points,  you will see that in all ways, prevention is always better than cure. My advice to you is that you should always try to prevent yourself from disease and ailments and don't wait till you start running helter skelter for the cure of ailments. 

          Conclusively,  the advantages of this proverb is not limited to the field of health only,  it is applicable to all human endeavour but we are able to figure out it to be in line with health due to the fact that this blog is an Health focusing blog.


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