Previously,  I composed a topic named 'WHY FRUITS'.  There I highlighted the importance of consuming fruits.  In continuation of the importance of fruits, I will be sending light to each fruit benefits, which I know you will be going along with me. Today I will be starting with the LEMON
           The advantages if lemon are so many and it has a verse application as regarding how to achieve a sound health but I will not but mention just a few.
           One,  a glass of lemon juice is very rich in in nutrients like vitamin c, calcium and potassium.  All these mineral are very important as far as the body's health is concerned. They improve the immune system of one's body.
            Two, they can serve as toxic flusher when you consume a cup in the morning before food. Having got rid of toxic , it will also maintain the body acid level to a moderate one
            Three,  lemon prevents bacteria or it's multiplication, therefore, it makes you become free from any infection that comes from them. Eg  cholera and gonorrhea etc
             Four,  being a consumer of lemon there is no cause for alarm on digestion as lemon is highly of help in digestive juices productions.
             Five,  thanks for the vitamin a present in lemon which make it a useful fruit as regarding the beneficial of our eyes.
            Six,  it is a useful tool as far as hair care is concerned. The juice get rid of dandruff, hair loss and scalp, when applied to the area of infection.
            Seven,  skin disease like eczema, acne and so on are best Corrected using lemon juice. Also,  it can be of help as far as sunburn is concerned. It also removes wrinkle. It is also a cure for any sort of burns. Weather to subdue the pain or to remove the scars.
            Lastly,  smelly or achy gum are also treated with lemon by rubbing  the juice or lemons Mesocarp  over the infected gum.
             The advantages of lemon fruits are not limited to these. You as well share us other advantages in the comment section.

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