According to Wikipedia, honey is a thick , sweet food substance that is produced by bees or other related insects. The Quran, in Quran chapter 47 v 15 spoke about honey. Also, In Quran chapter 16 v 68-69 Allah spoke about bee and honey. Likewise the Bible in proverb 16v 24.
Honey is a very useful substance because of the elements and nutrients it contains. Before i discuss the importance and uses of honey, I would like to discuss it's constituents first.
Honey contains over eighty useful nutrients which ranges from rare to surplus. This makes me gather them under three subheadings
Since home is much of calories, it contains a lower amount of protein. The protein contained in honey is about 0.06g.
Honey contains all vitamin B complex, vitamins A, B, C, D, E,and K. There also other trace elements embedded in honey. Elements like calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, sulphur, potassium, chlorine, iodine etc. Are contained in honey. Each having very important usefulness as I will be discussing later.
The major composition of honey is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates cover around 82% of honey. The carbohydrates present in honey can be broken down into one, monosaccharides fructose which is about 38.2% two, monosaccharides glucose which is about 31% and lastly, di-saccharides which is approximately 9%. Di saccharides includes :sucrose, maltose, isomaltose, maltulose, turanose and kojibiose. It is also present in honey, some oligosaccharides. They are about 4.2%. They include, erlose, theanderose and panose, formed from incomplete breakdown of the higher saccharides present in nectar and honeydew.
Since your first wealth is your health, join me in the next post for advantages of honey
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